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CASCADE co-organises CRAS2013

by Emmanuel Vander Poorten published May 21, 2013 08:05 PM, last modified May 21, 2013 08:05 PM

From 11-12-13 September 2013, CASCADE will co-organise the "3rd Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery" in Verona, Italy. The workshop workshop seeks to give a clear view on the status and recent trends of abovementioned assistive surgical robotic technologies and aims to propose concrete measures to achieve a critical mass in research and innovation in this field. Regardless of its popularity, the share of European technology used in clinical practice remains disproportionally small, with limited signs of improvement on the horizon. The workshop will continue the discussion started at ERF in Lyon and at ICRA in Karlsruhe and will attempt to identify the steps necessary to stimulate cooperation among the different computer and robot assisted projects and in particular seeks for the best approach to take advantage of the supposed attention of Horizon2020 to innovation.

More information can be found at Note that the workshop is already receiving attention in the media. E.g. the popular surgical robotics blog from T. Haidegger already announced our workshop at